Kids’ Coloring Books Can Benefit Parents Too

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Being a parent is great, having sweet, loving, adorable little ones that can bring you joy and all. But sometimes, it can also be a tough challenge. Parents would have to juggle caring for the kids, chores, and for working parents, their jobs as well. On top of that, at times, they can barely find free time for themselves with the many responsibilities they have. For those parents who experience those struggles, a solution as simple and low cost as kids’ coloring books can save your day!

Parents can agree that parenthood can be demanding. There may even be some instances in parenthood wherein you would have so much going on, that your mind would be crowded or even troubled on how to deal with all the matters that need to be tended to. Free time for yourself would even be a luxury. On the bright side, there are kids’ coloring books that even just for a few hours, can help eliminate from parents’ list of priorities at least one concern, that is their kids. Or they can also get to free up time for themselves.

Elizabeth Shelby, the author of the variety of kids’ coloring books that are available on this website, is a parent, herself. She understands the struggles that parents go through. And as a parent, she knows how challenging being a parent can be and how parents would also yearn for some rest and relaxation. While her main objective as a kids’ coloring book author is to bring the joy of coloring to kids by sharing her artistic works to them and at the same time bring out the best in them by aiding in their development, she believes that allowing kids to color in kids’ coloring books would also be very helpful for parents.

Parents of four to twelve-year-old kids are welcome to check out the collection of Shelby’s kids’ coloring books on the books list page. Shelby designed her kids’ coloring books in consideration of the different age groups. Each of her kids’ coloring books has a version for the age group of four to eight years and eight to twelve years. The designs of each version correspond to the coloring capabilities of the age group they were created for.

Shelby’s kids’ coloring books also cater to kids’ different interests. Her kids’ coloring books of varied themes include the Enchanted Fairy World Coloring Book, Fairy Coloring Book, Mermaid Coloring Book, Unicorn Coloring Book, Careers Coloring Book, and Zentangle Designs Careers Coloring Book.

Five Ways Kids’ Coloring Books Can Benefit Parents

It’s a well-known fact that kids’ coloring books are highly beneficial for kids. In this article, we will delve into how it benefits parents. Below are the five ways kids’ coloring books can benefit parents.



Having fun doesn’t have to be costly. There are pages and pages of beautiful illustrations in kids’ coloring books that kids can enjoyably pour their creativity into, but they are not so expensive. Although they come at very affordable prices, they can bring loads of fun for kids.


Hassle-Free to Prepare

The fun activity of coloring in kids’ coloring books doesn’t require much preparation. All there is to it is for parents to buy for their kids some kids’ coloring books and crayons. Then kids will have days and days’ worth of coloring fun. And when the situation calls for it, kids can just take out their kids’ coloring books and crayons and color minutes or hours away.


Allows Parents to Do Other Responsibilities at Home

Thanks to kids’ coloring books, parents would be able to leave their kids at a corner, so that they can work on other responsibilities efficiently. Their kids can be kept busy as they are entertained with the activity of coloring in kids’ coloring books. At the same time, parents can clean, cook, do laundry, do work, etc. Their kids can also be silenced as they are engrossed in coloring in kids’ coloring books, so parents will also not be bothered or disturbed.


Gives Parents a Break

Although parents do love their kids, it can also be a relief for them when they get to have time away from the kids and enjoy time for themselves in peace. Especially as parenthood can be exhausting, they also deserve to have some rest and relaxation. They can be able to enjoy that with some trusty kids’ coloring books and crayons that they can give to their kids.


Confidence That Their Kids Engage In a Safe, Worthwhile Activity

Nowadays, kids would often waste time away playing games on the personal computer, through video game consoles, on tablets, and on mobile phones, or watching TV shows and movies for hours. Although those activities do keep them busy, doing such activities for prolonged periods can bring harmful effects on them like eye strain, myopia, bad posture, lessened cognitive ability, risk of obesity, etc. Coloring is a much safer means of recreation.

In addition, those former activities are not as productive and helpful in kids’ development as coloring in kids’ coloring books. The latter activity is more worthwhile. Parents should minimize their kids’ engagement in those former activities and let their kids color in kids’ coloring books more instead. That way, they won’t worry over what kind of activity their kids will be busy with as they leave their kids alone.

When kids color in kids’ coloring books, they get to happily produce something that they would be proud of. Parents may also show support in their kids’ coloring by acknowledging their kids’ works of art with words of praise. Another way for parents to show support is by letting them sign their works and sticking their masterpieces on the fridge.

Many skills that are important to be established in kids in the early stages of childhood are also developed in the process of coloring in kids’ coloring books. Examples of those skills are fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, better handwriting, concentration, creativity, cognitive skills, etc.

Moreover, kids’ coloring books have the therapeutic power of calming kids down when they feel negative emotions.


Kids’ coloring books are loads of fun for kids and a problem solver for parents. Hit two birds with one stone when you get for your kids some kids’ coloring books. There are several available at

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