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Grown-Up Me Will Be : Inspiring Kids Careers for Kids 4-8 Years Old

It allows boys and girls alike to think freely of their career in the future, as it not only shows the gender-based traditional careers but also non-traditional careers that break gender stereotypes.


Starting kids young on career awareness would be wise to do, as it would encourage kids to pursue any career they wish and help shape their future. If your kid still doesn’t have an idea about careers and what career they would pursue, you can expose them to different career options through the Grown-up Me Will Be illustrated book.

This is a career book for kids aged four to eight years that will open kids’ minds to the many possibilities for their career in the future at an early age. This book is for both boys and girls. It allows boys and girls alike to think freely of their career in the future, as it not only shows the gender-based traditional careers but also non-traditional careers that break gender stereotypes. And it also represents different races, as it features in its illustrations Africans, Asians, Hispanics, and Caucasians.

In this book, kids can enjoy reading different career descriptions accompanied by delightful illustrations. Buy the Grown-up Me Will Be illustrated book for your kid or gift it to any kid, and inspire them to be anything they wish to be when they grow up